These mobiles all started out as a decoration for over my baby boys crib after he was born. Soon after Fletcher was born I got into pinterest. Really into pinterest. It started because I saw things on Etsy I wanted, was too poor to buy, but thought I could make. In comes pinterest to save the crafty day. You can find out how to make anything on that site...because chances are, someone already googled: "how do you make this awesome thing I'm too poor to buy on Etsy?", found out how, and then pinned that thing.
So I made him three. They are still hanging above his crib 6 months later...all primitive and poorly made. Nothing compared to the masterpieces (really? self indulgent much?) I create now. But this post isn't about my works of genius. It's about my loves. The actual ones. An introduction so all of my one or two readers (hi, mom) can put adorable faces to the names Fletcher and Peyton, also known as the 'Babes' in Bookland.
As you can tell that's Fletcher. Fletcher Gibson Bain. My super chubby, but petite baby. He's a silly guy. Quite the thinker. He's content to just sit and watch most of the time, although lately, he's most content if he thinks you're going to feed him something or let him suck on the outside of your condensating cup. He was born August 3rd, 2011 at 9 lbs 7oz. And might I add: all natural, no drugs. After a c-section with my oldest, I'm very proud of this.

And in all her 2 year old glory: Peyton Suzanne Bain. Our little spitfire. She provides endless amounts of entertainment for us. Or, is that exasperation? I can't remember, I'm too exausted from cleaning yogurt off of the TV. She was born November 8, 2009 at 9 lbs 2 oz. We don't make them small. I was younger and a little more naive about birthin' babies when we had her, so I ended up with an unnecessary c-section, which hasn't seemed to effect her in the least! She's a vibrant and sassy 2 year old who can hold her own in any crowd. Lord help us when she gets to high school...oh, and her favorite food is yogurt.