If people are going to follow this blog that means I have to write things in it...no more repeats of the Twitter incident! How about a story about mom brain to put all you night owls down for beddy bye?
Once upon a this afternoon, this afternoon being Wednesday, February two, twenty-ten (aka groundhog day. And congrats Phil on a wise and thoughtful decision, you rodenty rascal you!), I had some errands to run. I forgot how stupid pregnancy makes me, and today was the beginning of it kicking in. I'll simplify this part...
-I left my sunglasses at old navy. The cheap pair I keep around so I don't have to lose the ray bans.
-I lost my phone in Peytons carseat without remembering having it back there.
-I left the frozen yogurt store, after buying two frozen yogurts and a drink, without my drink.
To make matters worse, I don't LOOK pregnant.
So, for the next 5 or so months I get to live in this pregnant brain. A brain in which the jokes don't ever trigger a correct response, I will cry at the end of every episode of every tv show, every movie, and every commercial we watch, things that are not jokes will make me laugh hysterically, and even the simplest tasks will prove impossible (especially if I forget what that task is in the middle of performing it).
Every good story has to have a twist right? Here's this one. Now, on top of remembering to put my shoes on and grab my keys before locking myself out of the apartment (twice locked out and counting), I am responsible for the well-being of a one year old. God willing, I don't accidentally lock her in the apartment with the keys...cause Lord KNOW she will be eating herself some of that forbidden cat food if I can't pull her away from it.
The end.
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